Saturday 30 March 2019

March sketch challenge and prompt

So it's time for our last sketch challenge of the month, is it just me or has this month lasted a seriously long time?!
We hope you've managed lots of scrapping this month, maybe even including some stamping for our use it up contest? Theres still time if not! Deadline isn't until midnight on the 31st :)
On that note, this is our last sketch we challenge you to take inspiration from.
However there is a twist, as well as using the sketch, we also challenge you to make the large shape by stamping around a template. 
It doesnt need to be a circle, I've used a heart in my layout below. 

I used one heart to stamp around using red paint (more on that in a moment) and a smaller one using blue paint.
I like how the big one looks like its hugging the little one, like me hugging my son in the photo.
Now you may have noticed my strange stamping. I don't actually own any stamps, nope, not a simple one. I did manage some stamping when I was on a retreat earlier this month by borrowing stamps from other people but back home I had to improvise.
So what do you do when you need ideas? I dont know about you but I go to Pinterest, lol.
So not only did I stamp, and do a layout, but I actually used a technique I had pinned rather than just pin it and forget it! Think I might need a lit down after all this! lol.
So if you want to replicate this technique, you need paint, a pencil with a rubber, and a shape cut from card.
 Dip the rubber into the paint, you don't need too much, just a coating.
 Stamp around the shape using the rubber. Get more paint when needed, you can make it as neat or messy as you like but make sure you cover all round the edges overlapping onto the template.
 Carefully lift the template, showing your shape underneath.
You can do this with whatever you like really, paint, ink, actual stamps if you own them lol, the list is endless!

As usual all challenges stay open as are just for fun.If you have created any layouts based on these please feel free to share them on instagram using @scrapbookstashbustinguk or over on our Facebook page here
You are more than welcome to combine any challenges you complete for this with our current stamping challenge, however please make sure you add your layout to the stamping album and also over at For the love of pretty paper. 

Thursday 14 March 2019

March cyber crop, Challenge 6

Challenge 6 - Espresso Martini 

So its our last challenge of the cyber crop. I hope you've enjoyed it and we've inspired you to make at least a few things from your stash.
The last challenge is based on a cocktail made with coffee, coffee and alcohol, what can go wrong lol. So challenge 6 is espresso martini, this is made of vodka, espresso and coffee liqueur. 

Options for this challenge are:

1- Coffee is something that I love and is something that I am known to drink a lot off. When creating pages I am known to mix alphas to create my titles. Make a layout using at least 3 different alphas. This could be thickers, letter stickers, die cut letters, thicker words (tiny word stickers dont count though). I will post an example in the comments. 

2 - The coffee within the espresso martini in poured over ice to make it cold therefore using it in a way that wasn’t intended. Use an item on your page in a way that it was not meant to be used. This could be punching small stars out of some of the die cuts you won’t use, for example. 

3 - This cocktail is usually served in a triangular martini glass with 3 coffee beans on top. Use 3 triangles on a layout. No more no less. 

As usual you do not need to do all 3 options, just 1, though you can do 2 or 3 if you like. All challenges stay open as are just for fun.If you have created any layouts based on these please feel free to share them on instagram using @stashbusting or over on our Facebook page hereYou are more than welcome to combine any challenges you complete for this cyber crop with our current stamping challenge, however please make sure you add your layout to the stamping album too

March cyber crop challenge 5

Challenge 5 - Pina Colada

Challenge 5, almost at the end of this months cyber crop. 
This challenge is based on Pina Colada, which contains Coconut cream, Pineapple and white Rum. 
This is my favourite cocktail of all. I looooove coconut!

Options for this challenge are:

1 - Pina Colada is traditionally a white drink, use white and no more than 2 other colours on your layout.

2 - Coconut always reminds me of Summer. Create a summery layout with summery colours or scrap a Summer photo. 

3 - The perfect Pina Colada in my mind is garnished with a cherry and wedge of pineapple. Use both at least one circle and triangle on your layout to represent this. 

As usual you do not need to do all 3 options, just 1, though you can do 2 or 3 if you like. All challenges stay open as are just for fun.If you have created any layouts based on these please feel free to share them on instagram using @stashbusting or over on our Facebook page hereYou are more than welcome to combine any challenges you complete for this cyber crop with our current stamping challenge, however please make sure you add your layout to the stamping album too

March cyber crop, challenge 4

Challenge 4 - Strawberry Daquiri

Time for challenge 4, hope everyone is having fun so far and we haven't inspired anyone to go to a nearby bar instead of staying home to scrap lol.
Challenge 4 is based on strawberry daiquiri, which is made up of strawberries, ice, rum, line and strawberry syrup. All of these ingredients are put in a blender, blitzed and made into a yummy cocktail.

Options for this challenge are:

1 - Since the strawberry daiquiri has 5 ingredients use 5 of the following items to make a page: 
*5 pattern papers 
*wood veneers
*card stock 
*PL cards 

2 - The daiquiri glass has a very large circular rim. Use a large circle on a layout.

3 - This is a very cold, frozen cocktail. Use something associated with the cold on a layout

As usual you do not need to do all 3 options, just 1, though you can do 2 or 3 if you like. All challenges stay open as are just for fun.If you have created any layouts based on these please feel free to share them on instagram using @stashbusting or over on our Facebook page hereYou are more than welcome to combine any challenges you complete for this cyber crop with our current stamping challenge, however please make sure you add your layout to the stamping album too

March cyber crop, challenge 3

Challenge 3 - Mudslide

Time for challenge 3 already! This is based on a Mudslide, which contains Vodka, Coffee liqeur, Baileys, cream and ice which is all blended together with chocolate sauce
When I was on holiday last year I discovered this on the LAST day! omg it was like a mcdonalds chocolate milkshake with alcohol in it. It was amazing! My husband said it wasnt a good enough reason to book another week though, meanie. 

Options for this challenge are:

1 - I first tried this on our very first cruise, scrap a 'first' or use a technique for the first time. 

2 - It didn't even taste alcoholic, but it obviously was lol. Use a hidden element on your layout. 

3 - A mudslide is basically a naughty milkshake. Scrap someone/a pet or animal being naughty or cheeky. 

As usual you do not need to do all 3 options, just 1, though you can do 2 or 3 if you like. All challenges stay open as are just for fun.If you have created any layouts based on these please feel free to share them on instagram using @stashbusting or over on our Facebook page hereYou are more than welcome to combine any challenges you complete for this cyber crop with our current stamping challenge, however please make sure you add your layout to the stamping album too

March cyber crop, challenge 2

Challenge 2, Mojito

Welcome to challenge two, my turn (Jacqui) to set one now and I have picked, Mojitos!
Mojitos are made of rum, mint, sugar, lime and soda water and are delicious and very refreshing on a hot day. 

Options for this challenge are:

1 - I wasn’t a huge fan of these until I went to Cuba and loved the proper Cuban mojito. They now remind me of holidays. Scrapbook about a dream holiday you either want to take or have taking.

2 - The classic mojito has a lot of mint leaves in them. Us flowers and leaves on a page.

3 - I’m very particular about having Havana Club rum in my mojitos, this is my favourite type of rum. At the moment my favourite type of layout is ones with a lot of white space. Do a white space layout.

As usual you do not need to do all 3 options, just 1, though you can do 2 or 3 if you like. All challenges stay open as are just for fun.If you have created any layouts based on these please feel free to share them on instagram using @stashbusting or over on our Facebook page hereYou are more than welcome to combine any challenges you complete for this cyber crop with our current stamping challenge, however please make sure you add your layout to the stamping album too

March cyber crop, cocktails! Challenge one

Welcome to our March cyber crop!
This months theme is very close to my heart, Cocktails!
Ok I'm late posting this but lets be honest, nobodys reading it besides me lol. I'm a bit of a completist though so I'll still post them for my own pickiness.

Challenge one
10 am - Challenge one is based on the first cocktail I ever had, Woowoo, which contains lime, peach, cranberry and Vodka. I was at Frankie and Bennys with my friends after we finished our exams at college and I liked the name lol. I've tried to make them at home but they just don't taste the same *sulks*

So options for this challenge are:

1 - Woowoos are usually garnish with lime (or so google tells me) scraplift the layout in the comments using sections like wedges of lime.

2 - Frankie and Bennys is also where my husband used to take me on dates, and was actually where we went for dinner the day we got married (long story). Create a layout about a special place you like to go. 

3 - I love the sunset look when they first mix the elements of the drink together. Create an ombre look in your layout. 

As usual you do not need to do all 3 options, just 1, though you can do 2 or 3 if you like. All challenges stay open as are just for fun.If you have created any layouts based on these please feel free to share them on instagram using @stashbusting  or over on our Facebook page hereYou are more than welcome to combine any challenges you complete for this cyber crop with our current stamping challenge, however please make sure you add your layout to the stamping album too

Monday 4 March 2019

March use it up collaboration!

So this month we promised something a little different, so we have decided to collaborate with For the love of pretty paper over on Facebook to run a competition to encourage you to use up your.....stamps!
Ok so you can't really use them up, you'd need to stamp a heck of a lot to wear one out, but you are still making use of your stash, and you will be using up ink and cardstock, so we're counting it as ok ;) If you'd like to take part all you need to do is create a layout using stamping, and post in BOTH For the love of pretty paper and Stash busting before midnight March 31st and a random number generator will be used to pick a winner from each group. So I'm sure you'd like to know what you can win. So For the love of pretty paper have this beautiful travellers notebook up for grabs,
while we have on offer this adorable little stamp set. :)
How cute is that little penguin!
We will be posting stamping inspiration throughout the month, we hope you can take part and good luck! 

Saturday 2 March 2019

March mini cyber crop, challenge 3 - Friends

Challenge 3 - Friends :) 

So as we've had one based on me, and one based on Jacqui, we're going a little more general for this one lol.

Options for this challenge are:
1 - Jacqui and I send each other a lot of strange messages or pictures that make us laugh but would probably confuse others. Scrap about a relationship where you have a lot of in jokes, or a relationship that means a lot to you.

2 - Jacqui and I talk mainly on facebook messenger. The facebook logo is a large F, use a large letter somewhere on your layout.

3 - Without scrapbooking, Jacqui and I would never have met. To be honest I wouldnt have met the majority of my best friends lol. Scrap about what scrapbooking has added to your life, or how you met your friends.

As usual all challenges stay open as are just for fun.
If you have created any layouts based on these please feel free to share them in our facebook group 'Stash busting' or in a link in the comments, or even on instagram using @stashbusting :)

March mini cyber crop, challenge 2 - Gemma

Challenge 2 - Gemma 

So the first challenge was based on Jacqui, this one is based on me  Which I admit feels a littler weird lol. Jacqui picked these ones though so at least I didn't have to write about myself!
Options for this challenge are:
1- Gemma was a butcher for 11 years before she started work as a teacher. Cut into a minimum of 6 different papers.
2 - Gemma is a huge Marvel geek. Her favourites are Spiderman and Iron Man. Use red, black and only one other colour on your layout.
3 - Gemmas style is bright, with lots of the page covered. Take inspiration from this or even scraplift one of her layouts (search her name in the search bar)

Last challenge will be up at 2, this one based on us both!
As usual all challenges stay open as are just for fun.
You dont need to pick all 3 options, just do what you like.
If you have created any layouts based on these please feel free to share them in our facebook group 'Stash busting' or in a link in the comments, or even on instagram using @stashbusting 

March extra cyber crop! Challenge 1

Challenge 1 - Jacqui! 

March extra cyber crop
Morning everyone  Hope today finds you well and the weather is a bit warmer where you are!
Bit of a change up this month, as Jacqui and I are together for our annual retreat we thought we'd have an extra mini cyber crop 
Only 3 challenges for this one, and I get to go first with a challenge based on....Jacqui!
1 - Jacqui spent a lot of time telling me she was not a dog person hates dogs, then she met Scamp and tried to steal him and now I'm pretty sure she prefers her boyfriends dog Charlie to her actual boyfriend ðŸ˜‚😂😜 Scrap about something you didnt think you would like but did, or use a range or technique you wern't sure about at first and now love. 

2 - Jacqui works in a court, Use stripes somewhere on your layout to represent bars like in a jail 
3- Jacqui looooooves coffee. I think she has more coffee in her system than blood. Scrap about your favourite drink, or use homemade ombre on your layout, like how latte goes from dark to light.

As usual you dont need to do all 3 options, just pick what you like, and all challenges will remain open and are just for fun 
Come back at 12 for our next challenge which Jacqui has based on me 

As usual all challenges stay open as are just for fun.
If you have created any layouts based on these please feel free to share them in our facebook group 'Stash busting' or in a link in the comments, or even on instagram using @stashbusting :)

Meet Fiona!

Morning all!
So rather than bore you with mine and Jacqui’s work every month, as amazing as it obviously is (haha) every month we will have a guest designer to showcase their work :) 
This month we’re very lucky to have Fiona Cullen!

How did you get into scrapbooking?
I got into scrapbooking completely by accident in 2006. I used to make jewellery and I was looking for some bits and pieces. In my search, the Marketplace of UKScrappers came up. I had a browse around the rest of the forum and that was it. I was powerless to resist all the pretty paper.

What is your 'go to' product, tool, or embellishment type?
Stamps! I love making my own embellishments and stamps usually feature in some way. I also like using them to stamp my titles. I'll never run out of vowels!

What is your favourite thing to scrapbook?
Most of my pages feature my children doing the things they enjoy. I also like to document small details of their lives that we wouldn't always remember. 

Would you say you have a style? If so what is it?
I have no idea what my style is, or if I have one! I tend to like white space and kraft cardstock at the moment.

What do you never use on your layouts?
I don't use pre-made embellishments.

Who do you get inspiration from
I don't think there is a particular scrapper that I get inspiration from. I'm more inspired by sketches as a starting point for a page. I do get ideas from the other members in groups like FTLOPP and Stashbusting though.

Do you watch anyone on YouTube
I never seem to have time to watch youtube videos. I prefer to look on Pinterest where I can see several pages in a few minutes rather than just one in a video.

Fiona is a stampin up rep, and mainly does cards so it a privilege for her to make a layout for us. 
She’s also a lovely person, who makes amazing soup ;) check out her blog here  for recipes and tons of beautiful cards. 
Her cards are usually filled with lots of detail, I love to watch her stamp layer upon layer until it finally reveals the final picture. 
I could never do it, but I love to watch it. 
Her layout style however is very different with lots of white space, still just as stunning though. 
This was her take on our sketch this month.

Isn’t it amazing, Fiona has stamped script and flowers onto plain card and then cut tags and hearts from them for her layout. I love the Kraft on kraft look. Thank you so much to Fiona for being our guest designer this month!

Friday 1 March 2019

March sketch challenge

Wow, how is it March already.
January seemed to last for about a year, then February went on fast forward!
So this month is a bit different for challenges. We are still doing our usual cyber crop on March 9, but as Jacqui and I are on our annual retreat this weekend we are also doing a mini cyber crop tomorrow too :)
We may also have an extra special announcement this afternoon too so come back for that ;)

In the meantime however here is our first sketch challenge for the month. We hope you can join in.

As usual all challenges stay open as are just for fun.
If you have created any layouts based on these please feel free to share them in our facebook group 'Stash busting' or in a link in the comments, or even on instagram using @stashbusting :)