Wednesday 13 February 2019

Meet Tracy Service

Hello and welcome to our very first guest designer blog post! Every month we'll have someone different to introduce who we're sure will inspire you with their layouts and scraplift of our monthly sketch. This month it is the very talented Tracey Service.

How did you get into scrapbooking? - I got into scrapbooking about 20 years ago. I used to work in an arts and crafts shop.. one day they got some scrapbooks in and some stickers and templates. There wasn't any patterned paper back then and the only acid free paper I could find was mitents that was sold for pastel drawing!

What is your 'go to' product, tool, or embellishment type? - My tools that I always use are my circut machine, paper trimmer, perfect layers rulers and double sided tape.
I also seem to like gems in my pages, not a lot, just a few, and I also quite like flowers every now and then.
What is your favourite topic to scrapbook? My favourite topic to scrapbook seems to be Elsie at the moment, our granddaughter, she is so funny and sweet!
Would you say you have a scrapbook style? If so what is it? - If I were to name my style I think it might be clean and simple, although sometimes it's easy to get carried away! I like doing all the painty stuff too but I'm not very good at that! I'd love to know what others think my style is though.
What do you never use on your layouts? - What do I never use on a page?? Hmmmm....I don't know! I think I've tried most things.

Who do you get inspiration from? - Inspiration is everywhere these days. Facebook groups, of which I'm a member of some brilliant ones, pinterest is good too, although I to tend to get lost in there and run out of time to actually scrap anything!

Do you watch anyone on Youtube? If so who is your favourite? - Youtube is good for inspiration too, I like to watch Missy Widden. I usually just type 'scrapbook' into the search bar and it comes up with suggestions. I'm not very good at remembering names I'm afraid.

Are you on any design teams? - Currently I'm on the design team for 'Pretty my page'

Thank you to Tracey for being our very first guest designer! Ill leave you with a few of her amazing layouts that she has shared over on Stash busting.
I love the look of colour on black, and her use of Nuvo drops around the edge to create a frame.

I must admit, I completely relate to her choice of topic in this layout! This was done recently for our Harry Potter themed cyber crop. Challenges all remain open if you want to come play :)

Come back tomorrow to see the beautiful layout that Tracey made based on our sketch challenge this month, and be sure to get ready for our February cyber crop this Saturday!!!

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