Monday 25 February 2019

February cyber crop, challenge 5

February cyber crop, challenge 5, Chaos walking

I love to read, and there are a few books I've started and finished on the same night. The Chaos walking trilogy Mark actually had to take off me in the end and tell me to go to sleep!
It is currently being made into a movie but I highly recommend reading the books first.

Challenges based on this are:

- There are lots of parts of the book in handwritten font to represent thoughts. Add a lot of handwritten journaling on your layout.

- In the book you can hear the thoughts of animals, male ones anyway, create a layout about a pet or another animal and journal from their perspective.

-  Todd is a child, and is not deemed an adult until he does something that he doesn't want to do. Scrap about what being an adult means to you.

We hope you've been enjoying the challenges so far, challenge 6 will be up soon :)

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