Saturday 4 May 2019

NSD ChalIlenge 4 - Title Mix Up

NSD ChalIlenge 4 - Title Mix Up

I don’t have any huge secret when it comes to titles on layouts but I do love the look of a fairly long title with a mixture of alphas. 

Sometimes I find it really easy to chose a title. This is normally when’s a thought, feeling, memory or something that was said that I associate with the photo I’m using. Other times I find it much, much harder. When this is the case there are a couple of things that I look at. Firstly, do I have a chipboard/ die-cut/ Perspex piece that I can use to prompt a title? If I do then yayyy. If not is there a song title/quote/poem I could match to the photo? If neither of these help then I tend to go to

Choosing a title can be difficult but remember not every page has to have one. 

Once I have chosen a title (when not using chipboard etc) I decide what word/words I want to emphasis. It might be that I have two words that I want to emphasis but feel that one is more important than the other. In this case I would chose two different alphas - trying to make the word I feel is most important the boldest (in this case dinosaur πŸ¦• ) Once I had chosen the alphas for this I built the rest of the title around it. 

In this case I knew that I wanted ‘afraid’ and ‘no’ to also be fairly bold as I felt they were as important. For the ‘afraid’ I used a lower case alpha in a sparkly green. I went with this as I felt it complimented the colours in the photo, wasn’t as bold as ‘no’ and ‘dinosaur’ but was still easily readable. 

For the ‘no’ I used a large, bold gold alpha. This is almost the same sized lettering as the ‘dinosaur’. My only reason for this is that when I read the title it reminds me of ‘I ain’t afraid of NO GHOST’ (yep that’s where the inspitation for this title came from πŸ™ˆ) When I say this out loud ‘no’ and ‘ghost’ have the most emphasis so I wanted to mimic this. 

For the filer words I tend to use small tile letters. These are still easily readable but also allow me to use one alpha for more than one word which I think helps to pull the title together.

Once I have my title I have a look to see if I want to add anymore to it with die-cut words/Perspex pieces etc. I only tend to do this if it actually adds something to the title. 

I hope that having a little look at my process may be helpful when it comes to making titles. 



Use 3 or more different alphas on a layout (this doesn’t include word stickers” 

Use at least 5 words in your title

Use a chipboard/ die-cut/ Perspex piece as PART of your title.

As always you do not have to use all options to enter. You can use one or all of them. 

To be eligible for a prize your entry must be uploaded by midnight Sunday 12th of may (gmt). It can be a layout of any size, card, travellers notebook page or an off the page item but it MUST be created for the challenge and not before or entered into other challenges elsewhere.
Sorry but only those in the uk will be eligible for a prize to keep post costs down, but anyone is welcome to share what they make πŸ™‚ If you use instgram we can be found using #insdstashbusting or @scrapbookstashbustinguk please tag us in your creations!Updated about a week ago

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