Friday 26 April 2019

Using sequins on a layout

So it's almost May, which will soon mean a new use it up challenge!
Before that happens though I thought one last push at using up sequins would be a good idea :)
There are lots of ways to use sequins on layouts or cards, two of the easiest ways are simply to use them as a boarder, or to sprinkle them on the layout.
On this one I used large blue sequins to create a frame at the top and bottom of the page to keep your eye from wandering off. I always struggle with the larger sequins as they don't go as well into shaker pockets so I was glad to use them up here. 
The layout is of my husband being daft in Costa. as he does.
I use a lot of Nuvo drops on my layouts to add texture and interest to plainer areas. Here however I decided to use some smaller, lighter blue sequins. I liked this more than I thought I would though I'm probably too lazy to sit and glue them down too often lol. 

Did use up a lot of sequins though, so mission accomplished!

Sprinkling sequins on your layout seems to be the most common way of using them on layouts. I've always struggled with the skill of making the positioning look deliberate but random at the same time. Mine just tend to look like I've spilled sequins onto the page.  

After looking at other layouts I decided to put them in small groups of 3, it still looks a bit chaotic to me but it’s not too bad lol. How are you all doing using up your sequins? Hopefully better than me!,

Saturday 20 April 2019

April sketch challenge and Guest designer inspiration

Hello everyone :) Well it's Easter weekend here and I don't know about where you are but the weather here is amazing!
I probably should be out somewhere soaking up the Vitamin D, but no I'm at my desk trying to use up scraps. :) In my defence though we are away at the beach next weekend so no scrapping allowed then!
So if like me you are scrapping today, we have two amazing pieces of inspiration for you.
The first is the second sketch challenge for the month, this was picked by Jacqui and is very open to interpretation.
 With Jacquis layout she has moved the title and put it in place of the second photo, she has also omitted the embellishment cluster in the top corner. This could have been a design choice, or she forgot about it, she'd had a few gins by this point so who knows lol.
Still looks good though. :)
 Our second piece of inspiration comes from our guest designer, Laura Rumble.
As I've said before, Laura is the Queen of sequins. As well as the beautiful layout she made from our sketch at the start of the month, she also made this beautiful, summery, floral layout.

I love the colour and the detail the stitching adds. The shaped sequins are perfect for making flower shapes and the circles which just draws your eye up the page to the photo.
I tend to use a lot of paper in my layouts, but this is just so refreshing, and has so much interest using just sequins. I may be a convert!
I hope you can draw some inspiration from these examples. If you do create something from the sketch or with sequins please share over on our Facebook page here, or on Instagram using @scrapbookstashbustinguk 

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Making a shaker embellsihment

Hello and welcome to our first 'use it up' tutorial.
As we are focusing on Sequins this month I thought making a shaker embellishment would be a good place to start :)
For this you will need
- Scissors
- Double sided tape, you can use glue but tape is much less messy. 
- Sequins.
- Foam pads
- Clear acetate, or clear packaging. 
- Cardstock cut into a shape with the middle cut out. This can be any shape you like, a heart, a circle, a polaroid, anything. :)
Step one
Lay out the acetate or packaging. I used packaging from some stickers.  
Step two
Cover the back of your shape with the double sided tape. Stick the acetate to it and cut to size. 

Step three
On top of the acetate, stick the foam pads. Ensure there are no gaps so the sequins don't fall through. 

Step four
Fill the gap with sequins. Its easier to do this before you take the backs off the pads. Otherwise the sequins all stick to the pads and it gets irritating very quickly lol. 

Step five
Stick patterned paper to the foam pads and cut to size. 

Step 6
Use however you see fit :) 

Pretty simple isn't it? But really effective :) Plus is uses loads of sequins so bonus!
Hope you can use this technique, if you do please share over on our Facebook group Stash busting or on instagram using @scrapbookstashbustinguk 

Saturday 6 April 2019

April sketch challenge and guest designer....

Well its April! Spring has apparently sprung, though the fact I'm sitting here in a jumper might disagree with that, but then that's UK weather for you lol.  
But crazy weather aside a new month means a new sketch challenge and a new guest designer, and I'm thrilled to announce that this month it is none other than the amazing Laura Rumble!
As soon as we decided this month we would be focusing on sequins we knew we needed Laura to create one of her stunning layouts. She certainly is the queen of sequins and has amassed quite a collection of them lol. Seriously this is one of her boxes
See what I mean. 
So for this months sketch we picked the one below. It can easily be used with lots of sequins, only a few, or none at all and just use paint splatters or enamel dots.
We can't wait to see what you come up with :) 

Unsurprisingly Laura hit it out of the park with her beautiful, monochrome layout she did as her take. I love how shes combined mist, and different colour sequins to draw your eye up the page and the very subtle stitching to add further texture and interest. Amazing!
So lets get to know a little more about Laura, besides the fact she loves sequins lol. 

How did you get into scrapbooking?
I’ve always crafted – my Mum and my Nan were crafters so it was natural that I followed along.  I started scrapping around 2010 when I got a little bored of card making.  I had loads of supplies from card making that transferred over to scrapping which was a great way to start.

What is your 'go to' product, tool, or embellishment type?
Hmm... my favourite tool at the moment is my Silhouette Cameo.  That’s the one I used last.  If I had had my Minc foiling machine out I’d probably say that.  And I love my sewing machine too!  My go to product or embellishment is sequins.

What is your favourite thing to scrapbook?
My nephews!

Would you say you have a style? If so what is it?
Fairly clean and simple, lots of white with one or two bold colours, sparkle and whitespace.

What do you never use on your layouts?
I’m not keen on pre-cut paper flowers but I will fussy cut flowers from patterned paper.  I have a lot of cork and wood veneer in my stash but I find it hard to use.

Who do you get inspiration from?
Ooh, good question.  I get inspiration from my nephews and my Mum – not that they scrap but things they say or do give me ideas for pages.  I browse Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube or Facebook for layouts I love too, always keeping an eye out for pages from Elizabeth Sarah, Pol Prince, Jacqui Godfrey, Keighley Brennan and Sylvia from

Do you watch anyone on YouTube? If so who is your favourite?
I watch a few videos every day.  My top 9 are:
and the entire SpiegelMom Scraps team.

Are you on any design teams? 
I’m currently designing for StickerKitten, Skull and cross buns and Pretty My Page.  I admin for For The Love Of Pretty Paper, the biggest UK Scrapbooking Group on Facebook. I also make sketches for Stick It Down, Sketches In Thyme, FTLOPP and occasionally Lottie Loves Paper and The Secret Not Secret Kit Club... basically I like making sketches!!

You can find me:

So thank you so much to Laura for being our guest designer this month! We will have another layout from her on April 20th, but we will also have a few tips on how to use up sequins in the meantime, and of course our cyber crop next week :) 
If you do join in with any of our challenges please tag us over on Instagram @scrapbookstashbustinguk or post them on our Facebook group Stash Busting
Hope you can join in!